Matches in DBpedia 2016-04 for { <Öcal> ?p ?o }
- Ahmet_Öcal height "179.0".
- Ahmet_Öcal abstract "Ahmet Öcal (born 17 December 1979 in Maaseik) is a Belgian football player. In the past he played for K. Patro Eisden Maasmechelen (1999–2003), Diyarbakırspor (2003–2005), Altay S.K. (2005) and K.V.S.K. United Overpelt-Lommel (2005–2008), before signing for RFC Liège during the summer transfer window of 2008 after his new club had just been promoted to second division.In October 2009, he returned to his first club, K. Patro Eisden Maasmechelen.He is the older brother of Abdülkerim Öcal.".
- Ahmet_Öcal birthDate "1979-12-17".
- Ahmet_Öcal birthPlace Belgium.
- Ahmet_Öcal birthPlace Maaseik.
- Ahmet_Öcal birthYear "1979".
- Ahmet_Öcal careerStation Ahmet_Öcal__2.
- Ahmet_Öcal careerStation Ahmet_Öcal__3.
- Ahmet_Öcal careerStation Ahmet_Öcal__4.
- Ahmet_Öcal careerStation Ahmet_Öcal__5.
- Ahmet_Öcal careerStation Ahmet_Öcal__6.
- Ahmet_Öcal careerStation Ahmet_Öcal__7.
- Ahmet_Öcal height "1.79".
- Ahmet_Öcal team Altay_S.K..
- Ahmet_Öcal team Diyarbakırspor.
- Ahmet_Öcal team K._Patro_Eisden_Maasmechelen.
- Ahmet_Öcal team Lommel_United.
- Ahmet_Öcal team RFC_Liège.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageExternalLink ?CTID=57&CPID=120&TEID=1403&PLID=69099&pStr=Player.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageExternalLink Alper-Ocal.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageID "13001390".
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageLength "2787".
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageOutDegree "25".
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageRevisionID "659525100".
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Abdülkerim_Öcal.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Altay_S.K..
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Association_football.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Belgium.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Category:1979_births.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Category:Altay_S.K._footballers.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Category:Belgian_footballers.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Category:Belgian_people_of_Turkish_descent.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Category:Diyarbakırspor_footballers.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Category:K._Patro_Eisden_Maasmechelen_players.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Category:Living_people.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Category:RFC_Liège_players.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Category:Turkish_footballers.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Diyarbakırspor.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink K._Patro_Eisden_Maasmechelen.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Lommel_United.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink Maaseik.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLink RFC_Liège.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageWikiLinkText "Ahmet Öcal".
- Ahmet_Öcal birthDate "1979-12-17".
- Ahmet_Öcal birthPlace Belgium.
- Ahmet_Öcal birthPlace Maaseik.
- Ahmet_Öcal caps "1".
- Ahmet_Öcal caps "3".
- Ahmet_Öcal clubs Altay_S.K..
- Ahmet_Öcal clubs Diyarbakırspor.
- Ahmet_Öcal clubs K._Patro_Eisden_Maasmechelen.
- Ahmet_Öcal clubs Lommel_United.
- Ahmet_Öcal clubs RFC_Liège.
- Ahmet_Öcal clubs "Patro Maasmechelen".
- Ahmet_Öcal dateOfBirth "1979-12-17".
- Ahmet_Öcal fullname "Ahmet Alper Öcal".
- Ahmet_Öcal goals "0".
- Ahmet_Öcal name "Ahmet Öcal".
- Ahmet_Öcal name "Ocal, Ahmet".
- Ahmet_Öcal placeOfBirth "Belgium".
- Ahmet_Öcal position "Defender".
- Ahmet_Öcal shortDescription "footballer".
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageUsesTemplate Template:Belgium-footy-defender-stub.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageUsesTemplate Template:Birth_date_and_age.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageUsesTemplate Template:Height.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageUsesTemplate Template:Infobox_football_biography.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageUsesTemplate Template:Persondata.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageUsesTemplate Template:Reflist.
- Ahmet_Öcal wikiPageUsesTemplate Template:Use_dmy_dates.
- Ahmet_Öcal years "1999".
- Ahmet_Öcal years "2003".
- Ahmet_Öcal years "2005".
- Ahmet_Öcal years "2008".
- Ahmet_Öcal years "2009".
- Ahmet_Öcal description "footballer".
- Ahmet_Öcal description "footballer".
- Ahmet_Öcal subject Category:1979_births.
- Ahmet_Öcal subject Category:Altay_S.K._footballers.
- Ahmet_Öcal subject Category:Belgian_footballers.
- Ahmet_Öcal subject Category:Belgian_people_of_Turkish_descent.
- Ahmet_Öcal subject Category:Diyarbakırspor_footballers.
- Ahmet_Öcal subject Category:K._Patro_Eisden_Maasmechelen_players.
- Ahmet_Öcal subject Category:Living_people.
- Ahmet_Öcal subject Category:RFC_Liège_players.
- Ahmet_Öcal subject Category:Turkish_footballers.
- Ahmet_Öcal hypernym Player.
- Ahmet_Öcal type Agent.
- Ahmet_Öcal type Athlete.
- Ahmet_Öcal type List.
- Ahmet_Öcal type Person.
- Ahmet_Öcal type SoccerPlayer.
- Ahmet_Öcal type Person.
- Ahmet_Öcal type Diacritic.
- Ahmet_Öcal type List.
- Ahmet_Öcal type Redirect.
- Ahmet_Öcal type Agent.
- Ahmet_Öcal type NaturalPerson.
- Ahmet_Öcal type Thing.
- Ahmet_Öcal type Q215627.
- Ahmet_Öcal type Q5.